
Showing posts from January 17, 2006

The check is in the mail; I'll love you in the morning; and democracies are peaceful...

"Democraticialis, it's for my man whenever he wants it" We tried almost everything. Reading together the Weekly Standard and holding hands while watching Bill O'Reilly. We even signed up for one of those Restoration Weekends in Florida that David Horowitz organizes and were hoping that Jim Woolsey's address would arouse my husband to take up this white woman's burden. But his imperial drive remained dormant until a friend, "Scooter" told us about Democraticialis ("Judy loves it," he said). And it was shock and Awe from then on... A Regime Change for My Man whenever and wherever he wants it... Democraticialis, experience the neocon difference. *** *** Side effects could include anti-Americanism, terrorism, bloodshed, chaos, violations of civil rights, and rising budget deficits. If you experience an insurgency that lasts for more than four years, please consult Dr. "Dick" Cheney. The insurgency may be in its last throes. Ja

Christians Are Leaving the Middle East

I was interviewed on the topic on the Voice of America and am quoted in the following piece to which you can listen by linking here . And also read my Measuring the Arab World: Check the Christian Barometer . Christians are Leaving the Middle East By Zlatica Hoke Washington, D.C. 17 January 2006 Zlatica Hoke's Report, 2.68 MB Zlatica Hoke's Report, 912 KB The region where Christianity was born is rapidly losing its Christian population due to low birth rates and emigration. Some analysts warn about the negative consequences for the region. Christian Populations in the Middle East If exodus of Christians from Bethlehem continues in the next two or three decades, there may be no clergy left to conduct religious services in Christ's birthplace There are between 12- and 15-million Christians in the Middle East, almost half of them living in Egypt. The exact figures are hard to establish because of the lack of official records and continued migration. Lebanon, with slight

And more on Iran...

Very interesting news analysis on the Iran situation by Howard LaFranchi in the Christian Science Monitor in which I'm quoted: from the January 18, 2006 edition - On Iran, West looks for a Plan B If US allies balk at sanctions, it's harder, but not impossible, to slap Tehran for nuclear aims. By Howard LaFranchi | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor WASHINGTON - Iran may yet end up on the docket of the United Nations Security Council for restarting its nuclear-fuel program. But even if the international community can agree to punish it with economic sanctions, will those actions succeed in stopping Tehran's pursuit of nuclear technology - and possibly a bomb? Many doubt the current diplomatic efforts will have the desired effect, prompting some officials and analysts to lay out a range of Plan B's for coping with the crisis. For some experts, the time is ripe to prepare the world economy for living without I