The Postmodern Thinker,4574,428966,00.html? Business Times - 05 Mar 2011 The postmodern thinker International relations scholar and author Parag Khanna talks about geopolitics and identity in the post-post-modern world. By Leon Hadar PARAG Khanna, adventurer-scholar extraordinaire, bestselling author, pundit, former geopolitical adviser to generals (US General Stanley McChrystal) and celebrities (Bono), has some great news for the bearish among us. Or does he? Addressing a packed hall in Washington, DC, on the same evening that President Barack Obama is giving a televised speech, a cool and calm Dr Khanna, sans necktie and any prepared notes, explains that we are already living in the post-post-American World that is not very flat, but actually very messy, chaotic, and unruly. Welcome to the 'New Middle Ages' - or the 'Neomidage'. And that apparently should make us all very, very bullish about the future. Say what? The guy seating next to me