Re-releasing the Democraticialis ad to celebrate the Hamas climax
"Democraticialis, it's for my man whenever he wants it" We tried almost everything. Reading together the Weekly Standard and holding hands while watching Bill O'Reilly. We even signed up for one of those Restoration Weekends in Florida that David Horowitz organizes and were hoping that Jim Woolsey's address would arouse my husband to take up this white woman's burden. But his imperial drive remained dormant until an old friend, "Scooter" told us about Democraticialis ("Judy loved it," he said). And it was shock and Awe from then on... A Regime Change for My Man whenever and wherever he wants it... Democraticialis, experience the neocon difference. *** *** Side effects could include anti-Americanism, terrorism, bloodshed, chaos,violations of civil rights, and rising budget deficits. If taken together with stupid policies they could lead to Shiitism and Hamasus. If you experience an insurgency that lasts for more than four years, please cons