Not all economists are Keynesians
Business Times - 05 Mar 2009 Not all economists are Keynesians Many economists, including Nobel laureates, disagree with the Obama administration's economic recovery strategy By LEON HADAR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT PRESIDENT Barack Obama has insisted that the majority of mainstream American economists support the general premises underlying his economic policy and, in particular, the notion that the federal government should have a central role in stimulating the economy and helping end the recession. 'There is not disagreement that we need action by our government, a recovery plan that will help to jumpstart the economy,' Mr Obama said on the eve of his inauguration in January. Indeed, the conventional wisdom these days is that, frightened by the recession and the credit crunch that produced it, 'most economists' are now embracing public spending to repair the damage, including many of those economists who have long resisted a significant government role in a market