My new piece in the American Conservative
Karen Hughes (and State Department's democratic crusader Paula Dobriansky) My article on Karen Hughe's Mission Impossible which was published in the December 19, 2005, issue of The American Conservative is now available on the internet: December 19, 2005 IssueCopyright © 2005 The American Conservative Innocent Abroad Karen Hughes’s mission impossible By Leon Hadar A few years ago, I participated in a workshop taught by a well-known marketing guru who guaranteed in a brochure that after a few sessions with him “you’ll be even able to sell ice to Eskimos, sand to Bedouins, and condoms to eunuchs.” I suppose that if an updated brochure were issued in late 2005, in the fifth year of the presidency of George W. Bush and at a time when according to the Pew Research Center “anti-Americanism is deeper and broader now than at any time in modern history,” the celebrated PR whiz-kid would add to his marketing mission-impossible list the selling of a very unappealing product—the Bush admin