More on Brooks' new political typology
I've received a few responses and emails re my earlier post on David Brooks' argument in favor of a new political-ideological realignemnt of "populist-nationlists" vs. "progressive globalists," including by my online pal Jim Henley. Let me just emphasize that I wasn't trying to dismiss the notion that such political-ideological sentiments exist and that a few public figures share these views. I suppose that Pat Buchanan IS a populist-nationalist and that one could make an argument that "Clintonism" represents a form of progressive globalism. My point was that Brooks is trying to suggest that all the politicians and pundits who have been opposed to the Democracy Project in Iraq and elsewhere are "populist nationalists," that they are basically anti-cosmopolitan/xenophpbic/racists AND "realists" on foreign policy. That's a lot of B-S. Just take the leading figure in the Republican party who is a strong opponent of the war in Iraq,Chuck Hagel or for that matter, Al Gore. It seems to me that they are "progressive globalists" who make the annual pilgramige to Davos. In fact, most of the anti-Iraq war realists that I know are mainstream Republicans and Democrats. I'm neither, although I would probably vote for Democrat Jim Webbor Republican Chuck Hagel as candidates for presidents.
So he wants to expand the tiny Buchanan Box to fit Noam Chomsky , Chuck Hegal, Tony Zinni, and James Webb. Buchanan is politically problematic so you can understand why Brooks wishes to do this - But even Pat Buchanan is probably not "Pat Buchanan." So it's a bit of strech, to try to put all those middle of the road people, vets, and leftists in the Buchanan Box. Buchanan represents a small fraction of votes - even with his favorable public personality and his communication skills, he was only able to get votes here and there. So you see why Brooks wants that to be the opposition -
Bush has unleashed nationalist/nativist forces and then he plays good cop (in Brooks view) to his own bad cop (in Brooks parlance) by supporting Brooksian globalism on immigration issues, trade (except for those polical steel tariffs, which were only done to maintain power so he could undermine the spirit of those policies thru other policies)