Now who is the plagiarist here...

On this blog on February 24, 2006, I posted ports in raging political storm in which I highlighted the interesting "coalition" between some neo-conservatives and some libertarians over the issue of the Dubai ports and discussed the topic. A few days later I received an email ("subject: plagiarism") from a colleague who mentioned that a certain conveyer of dreck has made the same exact arguments re: libertarians/neoconservatives/Dubai on March 3 and 11. I responded that I don't think that it was really an issue of "intellectual property rights" and more important, who really cares what this intellectual Amoeba writes anyway. Well, now my friend emails me that the same small-time nudnik referring to an article I published in The American Conservative on March 27 --- in which I reiterated the points I had made in my earlier post on this blog -- is now kvetching that these comments were plagiarized from her "work." Note how so, so pathetic she sounds: "In the March-27 issue of a certain magazine, a member of the small and well-acquainted libertarian community of writers used the rather obscure observation vis-à-vis the neoconservative/libertarian momentary alignment to segue into a discussion of the Dubai debacle. Missing from the analysis were five words: 'As ---- ------ has observed…'" What a potz! And the kvetching continues: "If you Google Ann Coulter and H. L. Mencken together my name comes up first. That’s how idiosyncratic my June-8 commentary on this pairing was (elaborated upon on June 15). In his latest July-17 magazine article, the aforementioned libertarian uses the analogy (in a totally inappropriate context, mind you). Missing again are these simple words: 'As ---- ------has observed…'" Intellectual property rights on "pairing..." The fact of the matter is that I have used Ann Coulter in many of my own "pairings" in the past. So... Big deal! In any case, all of this is a waste of my time and yours. But this the second time that this little Shmendrick is directing her pish in my direction as she does in many other directions. Perhaps like man's best friend she is trying to mark her territory or property. Not that I'm trying to "pair" her with such intelligent and gentle creatures as Lassie (assuming that that "pairing" hasn't already been used..).


Anonymous said…
"Shmendrick"? You stole that from Henny Youngman!
Anonymous said…
Damn, she's got some balls. I guess the moral of the story is, as the IP lawyers say, you can't sleep on your rights.
Anonymous said…
Think know who you are referring to - Incidentally - though not a libertarian, this his temporary alliance between two at odds factions was very noticable- Many blog readers noticed - It was not a novel insight, but some disagree. Claiming credit for this idea is a pretty funny move - she probably convinces herself of this

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