I'm not an "Intelligence analyst" and I don't play one on television. But I urge you to study the following items: 1. Seymour Hersh new piece in The New Yorker, "The Next Act: Is a damaged Administration less likely to attack Iran, or more?" 2. Tony Karon's "Israel's Domestic Political Games Raises the Danger of a U.S.-Iran War." 3. Aluf Benn's "Olmert's Drums of War" in Haaretz . 4. Bush:I would understand if Israel chose to attack Iran. 5. Michael Oren's op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal on November 16 which is only accessible to subscribers. So here are a few interesting quotes: Much like 1967, Israel faces a Middle Eastern leader who has repeatedly sworn to wipe it off the map, and to that end is assiduously trying to acquire nuclear weapons. Like Nasser, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can cripple Israel economically by keeping it in a state of alert, driving away foreign investment and tourism. In the absence of interna...
Could anyone believe Pat Robertson's ridiculous assertion that he had been told by God that we would suffer a big nuclear attack in some city in 2007? I think Robertson actually sublimianlly (or maybe even consciously) wishes this would happen so he could tell America how much they deserved it for not voting the way he would have them do. He sure as hell never tired of telling us Katrina was God's punishment on the largest Christian nation on earth for whatever shortcoming we had in the Rev's eyes that week. The Bush Administration and its neo-con supporters are in the very weird position right now of actually being helped by a terrorist attack if one did occur. Around the water cooler, all I hear is "lets get the hell out, and bring the kids home".
I get sick to death of seeing kind hearted evangelical dupes getting suckered by the Armaggedon-psyche-mongering by the political brain of Karl Robbisspphere. The sooner we can get the troops out and home and ending the Bush dynasty, the safer we will be.