Why Bush is bad for Israel (and America)
I've been arguing for a very long time that the neoconservative agenda pursued by the Bush Administration, including the war in Iraq and against the backdrop of the Israeli-Hizabollah war, are hurting and not advacing long term Israeli national interests. See for example, my two commentaries in The American Conseravtive, Bad For You Too? How the Iraq War disappointed Israel and Special Relationship: A one-sided U.S. policy toward Israel endangers both countries’ interests. Now comes Gregory Levey in Israel's surge of despair: Top Israeli officials admit last summer's war against Hezbollah was a failure -- and denounce President Bush's actions in the Middle East on Salon.com(via Dr. Strauss)and makes the same point. Interesting and depressing read.
Leon - You're always correct, but you will never get credit because it is written: A Profit Is Not Without Honor, Save In His Own Time and Place!
Excellent article. I certainly didn't know that the Soviets had been such enthusiastic supporters of the Israelis. One question though: you mentioned in your essay they were tilting toward China. What is the rationale behind that strategic choice?
To anonymous 1: The "Jewish vote" is becoming more and more idfficult to measure. But overall, religious-orthodox Jews vote now Republicans, while the majority of the seculars, as you suggested, tend to be Democrats.
To anonymous 2: Re Lebanon. That's true.In fact, I made that point in http://www.antiwar.com/hadar/?articleid=9599 "And the loser is... everyone." But... perceptions matter, and they don't favor Israel in this case.
"To many in or involved with the Israeli government, George W. Bush's presence in the Oval Office was once reassuring. Now, it is increasingly worrying. Back in early 2004, when I started working in the Israeli Mission to the U.N. -- during the first year of the U.S. occupation of Iraq -- one of the senior diplomats there had an autographed photograph of Bush hanging behind his desk. But by the summer of 2005, as Iraq spiraled into chaos, I noticed that he had replaced it, without explanation, with a photo of U2's Bono."
Dr. Leon gets to say "I told you so." But what else is new? Nothing is new under the sun.
According to Christopher Hitchens - There are splits within Islam:
The man is a genius!
A.E.: There has been many studies on the growing Chinese involvement in the Mideast, especially since they have become a net exporter of oil. I've discussed these issue in my book, Sandstorm: Policy Failure in the Middle East, and in several articles. My point, the war on terror will end, the the winner will be the....Chinese. In fact, I'm coming out with a "futuristic" piece dated 2027 in which I describe exactly such a scenario.
Thanks for mentioning the article; I like the notion of the hotel. My solution for Jerusalem is to make it a Theme Park and cut everybody in doing what they do best. Americans will provide entertainment and I'm sure we'll finally see an acknowledged Black Jesus.Sorry for the Lenny Bruce levity...
My thesis continues to be that we are not being distracted from China, we are doing their bidding in Iraq. It keeps them looking good and able to make long term globalistic deals with all the corporateplayerhater entities like Venezuela Iran, etc. It did make me stop and think about Korea and how it would feel re the Canada analogy-if Japan would be sucked in so would they. Hey all Whitey's look alike. They sure are entertaining too.
"Under my thumb's
a squirming dog who's
just had her day
"Under my thumb's
a girl who has just
changed her ways"
Thanks WHB 3/6/06